Healthy Choices

I know most people associated getting healthy with January, but it’s something I try to think about every day. I love my desserts while making sure my body also gets healthy foods and products. It’s all about moderation and I believe that’s what should be stressed from the beginning.


Just what my eyes need…

When I was approached by Cornea Care to try their products, I didn’t have to think long about that one. I am under treatment for dry eyes as well as heliotrope eyes and have a lot of eye pain.

I can honestly say I am overwhelmed with how soothing these products have been for me. I start my day with the Rise Wipes, which have hyaluronic acid and tea tree oil. After wiping my eyes, I then use the wipe on the rest of my face. I use Rest, the self-heating eye mask, every night before I go to sleep and Rescue cooling masks whenever my eyes need a little extra relief.

While Cornea Care products do not contain any medication, I still suggest you check with your eye doctor before using it. You can purchase these products on Amazon.


Cooking fun with the kids…

I haven’t met too many kids who weren’t excited and anxious to join in cooking. The founders of I’m The Chef Too have found a good way to package this.

Since I don’t have any school aged children, I asked some friends to check this out with their kids.  I gave them the Volcano Chocolate Cake box. It was something that the kids were interested in and the were learning as they were being entertained.

The kids did learn from the activity, but the Volcano Chocolate Cake was pretty quick to put together and the children lost patience then having to wait to eat it. It sounds like this particular one was better for older children with more patience, and the younger ones were better off with one of the other options.

You’ll find plenty of choices on the I’m The Chef Too website if you want to give it a try.


Keep those electrolytes on track…

I am always on the lookout for protein and sports drinks so I agreed to give Karviva Ace Sports drinks a try. I am impressed by the ingredients and nutritional value, loaded with antioxidants. I do confess I had mixed feelings about whether or not I liked the taste, but considering I finished two bottles, I can’t say it was bad!

You can purchase Karviva Ace Sports Drinks on Amazon.


A garlic lover’s friend…

I’m still making it through the cases of barbecue rubs, spices, and sauces I’ve received. This month I picked up Burn Pit BBQ Ground Pounder all-purpose garlic for a quick air-fry dinner.

All I did was put my chicken wings in a Ziploc with the spice mix to coat, and then put them in my air fryer for 30 minutes. While they were in there, I sliced up some potatoes, spritzed some olive oil, and sprinkled them with the seasoning. I put them in the air fryer for the last 15 minutes.

It was delicious, but I do have to warn you that its as condensed powder, so you don’t need to use too much. Purchase Burn Pit BBQ products at Amazon.


Another veteran-owned barbecue to try…

WarPig BBQ makes award-winning barbecue sauces and donates a portion of profits to veteran-focused charities. I tried their SNAFU sauce on my pulled pork last week and it was really good. It was fruity with a bit of a kick.

You can purchase WarPig BBq products on their website


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