The Latest & Greatest You Must Try…
There is still quite a bit left here to checkout*, but I couldn’t wait to talk about some of my latest finds. After all, we are getting near the holidays. It’s time to put some ideas in your head… Wine… Prinz Von Hessen Rieslings Some of my favorite wines have been Rieslings. It’s a grape that’s gotten a bad rap because everyone presumes it’s supposed to be sweet. The truth is that Rieslings can run from super sweet (like a late harvest) to dry. I tried a trio of Rieslings from Prinz Von Hessen in Johannesburg, Germany. They varied quite a bit in both taste and price, but I liked them all. 2012 Prinz Von Hessen -A semi dry wine with strong citrus, especially lemon. A great find for $16. 2012 Prinz Von Hessen Royal -A bit drier, with some apricot mixed with the citrus. Worth $25. 2007 Prinz Von Hessen Weingut -A lot less fruit, more toast and vanilla. This wine is closer to an aged chardonnay. A good splurge wine at $60. Spirits… Dark Chocolate Godiva Liqu...