
Showing posts from June, 2020

Healthy Eating and Treats for Your Body

It’s a rare month where I am not reviewing a selection of wine and liquor, but I didn’t run out of other things to try. Here is the best of it. How about some tahini for a change? I’ve always liked tahini, but I’m never really sure what to do with it. Fortunately for us, Mighty Sesame Co . has figured it out. The one thing I’ve had with tahini that I love the most is halvah. It is hard to get and very high in calories and sugar. (I was thrilled when I was in Israel and it was a staple on the breakfast buffet.) The Mighty Sesame Tahini Bars don’t have either of those problems. They taste like halvah,   but it’s all organic, only 100 calories, and just six grams of sugar. I had the Vanilla. It also comes in Pistachio and Cocoa Nibs, which have the same low-calorie count. Another product I got from Mighty Sesame was the Organic Tahini Squeeze Bottle . This can be used on sandwiches, salads, or hummus. I liked it just on an English muffin, instead of Peanut Butter.